Modern Driving – Our Thoughts On Potholes, Parking Spaces and More

Driving was once a pleasure but these days almost every aspect is fraught. The reasons are almost limitless:

  • More and more people using heavily congested supermarket car parks.
  • Accident management companies exploiting every accident that is routed through them
  • Pot holes appearing like the spread of teenage acne
  • Road works that appear to go on for days on end with little sign of work being done
  • The loss of schoolchildren’s ability to walk to school.
  • More and more cars crowding onto the roads.
  • Uncertainty over the future of diesel cars
  • More younger drivers on the road due to affordability of cars
  • And, on the horizon, driverless cars.

I could go on but I would run out of space and there is a limit on anyone’s attention span. Let me simply focus on a few of these examples.

More and more people using heavily congested supermarket car parks

As well as supermarket car parks becoming increasingly congested, to the detriment of the High Street, today’s cars are simply too big.

A study found that while parking spaces are no larger than they were 20 years ago, cars are 16 per cent bigger. It means that the average car is now two inches wider than the 5ft 11ins (1.80m) minimum recommended by Whitehall.

So drivers of a standard car like a Ford Focus at 6ft 7ins (2.01m) will struggle to get into the space without pulling in the wing mirrors. And, despite the increase in the price of fuel, the number of “Tonka Toys” also seems to be growing.

Having squeezed into the space, getting out of the car without scuffing the door is proving too much for many motorists.

Car doors have accounted for 50 per cent of car park mishaps, bumpers 14 per cent and wings a further 13 per cent.

At Bumps & Scuffs we see the result of many of these issues. Sadly, the number of times that the offending motorist simply drives off is also on the increase.

Pot holes appearing like the spread of teenage acne

Until I drove into one and damaged my alloy wheel I had not appreciated what a nuisance pot holes were. Increasingly I had noticed more and more of them appearing. Like teenage acne they just popped up at the most unexpected times but I had managed to avoid them.

Until now! I was driving from Bordon on the way to take my children to Alice Holt when I had the misfortune to hit one of these pot holes.

I damaged one of my alloys and the tyre was leaking air. I subsequently discovered that there are sites that you can log on to report pot holes, though this was not high on my list of priorities.

Thankfully, the technicians at Bumps & Scuffs were able to fix the alloy wheel and the disruption was relatively minor.

Working with Bumps & Scuffs

The incidence of minor bumps and scuffs is on the increase. Being positioned on the busy A325 not far from Bird World we are ideally situated to help with most of the issues that arise from modern driving especially as we have extensive coverage from Bordon and Alton through to Aldershot and Farnborough as well as Farnham and district.

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Bumps & Scuffs
45 The Street,Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey GU10 4QS
Tel: 01252 217 086
Email: [email protected]

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