If you decide to involve your insurance company, in most cases the final choice of repairer is yours.
Simply let your broker or insurance company know that you wish to use us. We will handle everything on your behalf.
If you are involved in an accident that’s not your fault, Bumps & Scuffs can help. Come to us before ringing your insurance company and we may be able to help you protect your no-claims bonus. Our partners, Car Call UK, will provide you with a well looked after courtesy car almost immediately and iron out all the details with the insurance companies for you.
Whilst they provide you with accident assistance, we get to work on your car at our fully equipped repair centre to make sure that it is looking as good, if not better than, it was before the accident occurred.
We have worked with some of the biggest insurance companies in the country and are equipped to make your insurance repair job as effortless and as high quality as possible.